Click & DECiDE - NSI Trial

Registration Form

  • Before downloading the Click & DECiDE - NSI Trial, please complete this simple Registration Form.
  • Once you have submitted the Registration Form below, your information will be reviewed by our sales team.
  • A link to download the Trial and an Evaluation License will be sent to you by e-mail shortly.

Caution: please ensure that you have entered a valid e-mail address. This e-mail address will be used to send your License Certificate. Please use an e-mail address that is associated with your organization.

Note: please provide information for all the required fields (marked with an asterisk).

Contact Information First Name*

Last Name*



Telephone Number *

Company Information Company*

Address 1*

Address 2

Post/Zip Code*


Role* How did you hear about us?*

In which environment do you want to test the license?*

If Other, please specify

Can you describe your project?

Security Check*

If you do not wish the Click & DECiDE - NSI License Certificate to be sent to your company e-mail address, please contact our Sales team at

Click & DECiDE will keep your submitted information strictly confidential.
In accordance with the provisions of the French Law of January 6 1978, you may exercise your right of access, of opposition and of correction of personal data which is stored in our computer files.